Monday, September 1, 2008

Holy Cross School - Final Cuts

At the end of Day 6 of the DST Workshop held at Holy Cross High School in Siolim, 10 films were complete. Salil Konkar, Alito Siqueira, Gasper D’souza and Preeti Padgaonkar sat editing the films under direction from the participants. And the young enthusiasts knew exactly what they wanted!

Here are the final films.

'Sateri Mai' - Alisha Govekar:

'My House in the Past' - Bryan Britto

'Zhar' - Delaila Fernandes

'My Beautiful House' - George Monteiro

'When I first caught a Fish' - Michael Fernandes

'Vhal Mhozo Ixtt' - Nabila D'Souza

'The Ground and Me' - Rowena Petters

'Ticketless in Borivali Park' - Sharon Sebastian

'My Dream- Football' - Valencia Braganza

'My living room' - Yohann Fernandes

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